Tuesday, November 12, 2013

RV Adventure-Day 1
Do I look excited? Well, I am. This is my spot in the RV unless we are driving and then I ride shotgun pressed against my master's knee.

   We left pretty early and I would like to say that the first day was going to be an adventure. However, all we did was walk in freezing wind while new shocks were put on the 'ol RV.
    I was really working up an appetite and was surprised that we stopped at what is commonly referred to as a "roach coach". Man! It was so good, that when my Mr. Master handed me some of his chicken-rice burrito, I bit his finger by mistake. I felt terrible...hung my head for a split second and then decided I was forgiven and would try for more.

Going over Deception Pass to Whidbey
We were exhausted by the time the RV was done, so we decided to just go to Whidbey Island. We have Wi-Fi and electricity, but man! The jets are flying so low they make the RV shake! Oh, yeah, we are next to a Navy airbase flying jet fighters. They stop for dinner, don't they??

1 comment:

  1. Pulaski, your trip sounds very exciting !!! I will look forward to your blog and your adventures. We have also "updated" our old RV with a newer Lazy Daze and are looking forward to some outings soon. Maybe we will bump into you on the road !!
    Say Hi to your Mom and Dad for us...
