Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Vision and seeing what can become, is a gift given to some fortunate people and these people, I am convinced, are the ones who find purpose and joy in their lives. Whether you believe in God or your own self-independence, moving ahead with vision takes great courage. Let me give you an example. Here is a lot in Tijuana where our missionary friends are going to build a church. They are asking for prayers to even be able to purchase this lot for around $10,000. Then they will build a church. Do they have reserves? No. Do they have a wealthy congregation? No. Are they foolish or do they believe that God will provide? I am certain of the answer and so we join in excited anticipation for a wonderful little church here on this exact lot.

This the lot. The house is not worth saving.
This is the street. Great faith will build this church.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I have been away for an amazing time with my sister on Coronado Island at the Coronado Beach Resorts (San Diego) and then in Palm Springs (92!) with my brother and sister-in-law. Being used to the Pacific Northwest temperatures of 40 to 50 degrees, I darted from one air conditioned building to another, except for the 2 hours I spent in the pool at my brother's complex. It was the most time we have spent together in probably 50 years and it was really enjoyable.
While I was away, a friend sent me the most perfect photos for our pet-friendly bed and breakfast here on Orcas Island.

It is great to be back. I hit the ground running with  all our rooms booked for the Veteran's Day holiday. I'm not complaining. Being busy this time of year is a good thing!