Saturday, September 28, 2013

Hemingway famously penned the line - "If you are lucky enough to have lived on Orcas Island as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Orcas is a moveable feast."  Okay, the Hemingway you know may have written that about Paris, but in the animal world, Orcas Island is the moveable feast to beat. I personally have never read Hemingway, but anyone who writes about a feast, even a moveable feast (which I have no idea what that means except it has to do with food) is OK in my book!

October is an especially delicious time to join the tasting party. For starters, my Masters will lower their rates starting October 1st. If that's not enough to get you to book a room, I don't know what is. For the main course, you have many options. You see, during the whole month of October, we have the 6th Annual ‘Savor San Juans – A Medley of Food, Art & Culture.' This month-long moveable features "wine maker's dinners, harvest festivals, farm events, and specials at some of the finest lodgings and restaurants in the 'gourmet archipelago,'" our cluster of islands. My main course consists of milk bone before dinner, 2 cups of yummy lamb dog food, and then as many more milk bones as I can beg. "Savor Milk Bones" is my special for October.